Stand Guard Now
January 20, 2012Scriptural Ground
“Neither I nor my brothers nor my men nor the guards with me took off our clothes; each had his weapon, even when he went for water” (Nehemiah 4:23 NIV).
Prayer of Approach
There is a season, O God, in which you call your people to be equipped properly for the work that must be done. Give us eyes to see clearly the environment in which we are called to work. Teach us to encourage one another to be attentive to the demands of fulfilling the tasks assigned to our hands. Grant us access to all that is necessary to ensure that we are able to work with you to bring to life the vision that you have given. Direct us to your Word for renewal of our thinking concerning the approaches that we need to take for the resolution of the challenges that confront us. As we seek refreshment that will enable us to pursue the tasks at hand cause us to be mindful of your presence with us, cause us to draw strength from all that you have revealed to us and grant us your protection as we go forward in the work that you have called us to perform. Through the living Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hear this prayer. Amen.
A Moment With God
The community is strong when all work together providing the support that is needed for the advancement of what God has determined for us. When the impediments to true fellowship have been removed through the offering of forgiveness to those who may have offended us along with confession and repentance of our own sin, then we may be equipped properly to fulfil the vision placed before us by God. Openness to the Word is essential for progress. It is through the Word that it can be made known to us what needs to be done for the welfare of those involved in bringing to life what is currently needed to move forward effectively. As this knowledge finds its appropriate place in the thinking of those who are called to give leadership in the community required work can be performed with stability. Keeping this word from God near to us strengthens the assurance of His presence. This assurance releases us to be refreshed for the renewal of the work as it moves towards completion.
Posted by The Rev. Albert Bailey. Posted In : Receiving The Word