Discover Your Path
November 6, 2013Scriptural Ground
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you (2 Thessalonians 3:16 NIV).
Prayer of Approach
Eternal God, draw near now as I turn to you. Unveil your reality as I seek you out in this moment of devotion. Overshadow me with your presence that I may receive from you all that you intend for the growth and development of my life. Separate me from every distracting thought so that there may be true renewal in my soul.
Hear this prayer through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
A Moment With God
There are so many issues that crowd our lives, seeking attention. The ability to so order one’s life that there may be a proper response to these issues can be developed through reliance upon what the Lord requires of us. Responding to the Lord’s direction as we seek to develop a closer walk with Him brings into clearer focus what should be the response given to a particular issue. Trusting in the direction that comes from Him results in the order that brings into reality the experience of the sustaining presence of God upholding us.
Posted by The Rev. Albert Bailey. Posted In : Receiving The Word