Communicate With Him
October 2, 2013Scriptural Ground
I particularly urge you to pray so that I may be restored to you soon (Hebrews 13:19 NIV).
Prayer of Approach
Living God, who has granted peace to those who wait upon you, be at work to bring about the prayer support needed to establish your presence in the lives of your people that there may be praise to your glorious Name. Focus the minds of those who serve you on what is necessary as you seek to pour out your blessing upon the lives of those in need of your grace for living in the midst of the destructive influences at loose in the world. Deepen the relationships that you have been building with your people for your honour, for your glory and for your praise.
Through the living Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hear this prayer.
A Moment With God
When do you meet with God? Do you receive direction from His Word? Are you able to follow where He leads? The answers to these questions have much to say to us concerning the quality of our relationship with the living Saviour who desires to bless our lives. It is necessary to guard the time that must be allocated to developing our relationship with Jesus. It is only as we deliberately cultivate the ability to be open to what He is saying to us as we ponder what is written in the pages of Holy Scripture that our communication with Him will become what He wants it to be for us who serve Him.
Posted by The Rev. Albert Bailey. Posted In : Receiving The Word