Pursue God's Direction
August 23, 2013Scriptural Ground
because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13 NIV).
Prayer of Approach
Faithful God, your presence is always sought by your people for we are in need of your help in our lives. Receive me as I come into your presence as you set me free from the sins of the past through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Grant me the access I need to your wisdom that I may know how to avoid those paths that provide the opportunity for sin to take hold of my life and break down my connection with you. Restore to me the strength I need to bring to life all that you intend for me.
In the Name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hear this prayer.
A Moment With God
Too often we forget our dependency upon God and think that we are quite competent to decide just how other people’s experiences of living should unfold. We want to fashion the lives of others in keeping with our expectations of how their lives ought to be lived.
We forget just how often we have had to turn to the Giver of life and admit that we have failed to manage our own lives properly and have been in great need of divine intervention to put things right.
It would be more productive to turn the attention of those around us to what God has said in order to have more appropriate decisions for living.
Posted by The Rev. Albert Bailey. Posted In : Receiving The Word