Preserve Your Value
October 23, 2012Scriptural Ground
You were bought with a price (1 Corinthians 7:23a NIV).
Prayer of Approach
Merciful God, your presence fills the earth. You know all things. You hear all things. You see all things. You know me just as I am. You are not fooled by my attempts to present myself as one who is acceptable. You know the truth about my life. You know my failures. You know my sins. You know that without your intervention I am worthy only of your judgement. I deserve to be separated from you and from all who belong to you.
Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for all that you have done to grant me life that is life eternal. Thank you for the Cross through which you purchased my redemption. Thank you for the cleansing from sin made available to me in Christ. Thank you for restoration and wholeness made available through the sacrificial death of Christ on the Cross.
Thank you for the value that you have placed upon me.
Thank you for making me your own through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you for including me in your household of faith.
Through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hear and receive this prayer.
A Moment With God
The precious blood of Jesus poured out in His suffering and death upon the Cross at Calvary is the incalculable price paid for the redemption of the soul of the one who has been granted membership in the Body of Christ whose head is the risen Lord. It is therefore unacceptable to place anything but the very highest value on those for whom Christ died. How do you view your life? Do you appreciate the fact that you were called into salvation just as you were? If God has placed such a high value on you where you have found yourself living, where you have been earning a living, where you have been occupying your time, surely He wants His presence to be felt among those with whom you have been sharing life. It is out of your encounter with His living, saving presence that you can share His reality with those around you in order to give them the opportunity also to meet and receive the Saviour.
Posted by The Rev. Albert Bailey. Posted In : Receiving The Word