Scriptural Ground

for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance (Philippians 1:19 NIV).

Prayer of Approach

Eternal God, I turn to you knowing that you are always watching over the life that you have granted to me. Be present with me along the path that I must take to ensure that your Word is glorified. In spirit, in soul and in body let me know your commitment to dispel what is not of you from my life. Guard my thoughts and lead them along the paths that lead to life from you. Provide the support that is necessary to accomplish the task that is at hand.

Receive this prayer, in Christ’s Name. Amen.

A Moment With God

We are not expected to undertake life’s responsibilities apart from the support received from those who share with us the life that Christ gives to the community of faith. Through the Spirit of Jesus Christ there is released to the Christian that which is necessary for the sustenance of the life in all kinds of circumstances. Situations which are beyond our capacity to resolve invite us to pursue a deeper relationship with the Saviour and call us to recognize the value that other members of the community of faith bring to our lives as they seek God’s intervention on our behalf. Let us therefore remember the needs of those who have found themselves dependent upon the support that we can give for the glory of God.