Scriptural Ground


Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. (Colossians 4:2 NIV)


Prayer of Approach


Lord God Almighty, your presence surrounds my life. You are with me when I awake. You do not forsake me when my eyes are closed in rest. Surely you are a shield to my life. You protect me in all that I undertake to do as I seek to glorify your most holy and precious Name. Surely you are the God who wants me to be open to you at all times. You want me to practise the discipline of prayer. Show me how I can proceed further. Help me through your Word. Direct the use of my time and set me free to include you in my thoughts as I go about my daily duties. Cause me to be thankful that you are the God who hears and answers prayer.

Through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, receive my prayer. Amen.


A Moment With God


It is in prayer that the foundations of life are laid. The presence of God is embraced. His sovereignty is acknowledged. Humility is born. His nearness is declared to be real. Through our lips pours forth the praise that would lift us out of distress. In the moment of quiet our minds receive His Word. Our thoughts are clarified. Our direction is made sure. We receive strength. The needs of others receive attention. Sin is forgiven to open the way for new life to blossom forth to His glory. Thanksgiving breaks forth as we reflect on how wonderfully well former prayers have been heard. We are in the presence of the living God who renews our spirits, who restores our souls, who strengthens our bodies sustaining us as we watch how he works. Truly be thankful for this gift. Engage it frequently and discover what a mighty God we serve.