Scriptural Ground


He could do no miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them (Mark 6:5 NIV).


Prayer of Approach


Your presence, O God, is what I need above all else. You are the strength of the Christian soul. You renew the outlook that must be obtained in order to bring to pass all that you intend to accomplish in the lives of your people. Cause me to be open to your will for me that I may not lose the blessing that you intend to impart to me. Open my eyes to behold your glory. Let my ears hear of the wonderful things that you have done among your people in every generation and increase my faith. Strengthen me through my contact with those who belong to you. You are the God who saves. Hear my prayer when I am in need and grant me your grace. Grant peace in the midst of turmoil. Grant direction in the midst of confusion. Grant hope when I am faced with despair. Grant faith when I am faced with doubt. Impart to me what is needed to grant me wholeness where you have caused me to dwell. Let your miraculous power break into my circumstances and set me free to serve you effectively for your honour, your glory and your praise.

Receive this prayer through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.



A Moment With God


The presence of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ comes to us where we are as we are faced with what is unfolding in our lives. How we respond to that presence is important. There are always the many and the few – the many who continue to go through life as they always have relying on what they can accomplish through their own resources apart from Christ and the few who recognize their need for the miraculous intervention of the Saviour. What are we relying on to overcome the obstacles to our wholeness? When we recognize that all is not well with us to whom do we turn for help? Is it the Saviour Jesus Christ the Lord or is it some other inevitably inadequate source? If we are going to be among the few who are able to benefit from the miraculous intervention of the Saviour then we need to cultivate an awareness of His presence seeking to be at work in our lives for good. We need to be open to His Word.  We need to listen carefully to what He is saying to us. We must be prepared to follow His instructions for living and for life. It is as we embrace His presence and respond to His Word that His hands are able to reach out and touch our lives to bring the strength and wholeness we need to serve Him effectively.