Scriptural Ground

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving (Colossians 3:23-24 NIV).

Prayer of Approach

Eternal God, you have granted me access to the employment that I have. You awaken me with each new day and empower me to fulfill the responsibilities that have been assigned to me. You cause me to benefit from the work that I do even as I serve others so that their needs can be met. Clothe me with your presence as I move about during the day and interact with those around me that I may seek to honour you in thought, in word and in deed. Cause me to be faithful to you that you may be able to work in my life and bring forth the fulfillment of your plan for me. Hear and receive this prayer for it is offered through the living Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

A Moment With God

It is not by mistake that you are where you are at this time. You have been brought to the responsibilities that you currently have so that you may fulfill them to the best of your ability. Your approach to the demands made upon you will determine your ability to receive further installments of what has been planned for the unfolding of your life by the One who oversees all things. In your interaction with those who are in authority over you there is the opportunity for you to develop the skills that will be necessary for you to use as you move farther along on your journey of life. You are always being prepared for what is yet to take place. As you discover the ways in which you are able to attend to what is required of you for the glory of your eternal Master you will be giving yourself access to that which is intended for your life.