Scriptural Ground


All the brothers and sisters here send you greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss (1 Corinthians 16:20 NIV).


Prayer of Approach


Living God, bring into being the relationship with you that you want to exist. Draw me nearer to you this day that your Name may be more precious in my sight. Cause me to become more acquainted with your divine majesty, your unending mercy, your faithful love, your gracious provision, your boundless compassion, your unchangeable truth. Grant me the power to represent you faithfully to those around me.

Through the living Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hear this prayer.



A Moment With God


True encouragement can bring untold blessing to the work of God as it unfolds. Those who have discovered the value of relationship with Christ the Saviour in their walk with Him are in a position to communicate His presence in an unique way to those travelling the journey of faith. When those who have stood the test of faithfully serving Christ direct the attention of those in the household of faith to the paths that lead to life those in the Body of Christ are truly strengthened.